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8777 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite A, Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Neck Lift in Baton Rouge

What Is a Neck Lift Surgery?

A neck lift is a cosmetic surgery that solves wrinkling, sagging, and bulging issues in the neck to provide a slimmer and smoother profile. A neck lift for Baton Rouge patients also targets the jawline to tone it and create a more defined and youthful neck.

The neck lift removes excess fat and skin from the neck region while tightening the drooping muscles and skin. Abnormal contours resulting from muscle banding can be easily treated with this procedure.

Most cosmetic issues in the neck and chin regions emerge due to age. The results obtained from a neck lift surgery are long-lasting but cannot stop the natural aging process. It is essential to have realistic expectations in terms of results.

When to Come In for a Neck Lift

You should come in for a neck lift surgery if you:

  • Have excess hanging neck skin or fullness around the chin
  • Have excess neck fat that makes you look out of shape
  • Want to restore the distinctiveness of your jawline
  • Have excess skin and wrinkles and creases on your neck

You should be a good candidate for a neck lift procedure if you are physically healthy.

The Consultation

A neck-contouring surgery will require you to have an initial meeting with Dr. Andrew Freel, during which you can discuss your goals. Dr. Freel will thoroughly evaluate your neck to establish your candidacy. Dr. Freel will consider treatment options after understanding your goals and evaluating your medical condition.

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How Is a Neck Lift Performed?

The neck lift is generally performed on an outpatient basis using general anesthesia. Intravenous sedation is used in some cases, too. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Freel must make an incision to address your specific concerns. Depending on your needs, he may make a few tiny incisions behind the ear and below the chin if only liposuction is needed. If you have a lot of excess skin, he may need to make an incision under the chin and possibly behind the ears to remove the excess skin.

Internal sutures are used to tighten the underlying platysmal muscles through these incisions. Excess fat is removed with liposuction, and sagging skin is trimmed with a scalpel. Finally, the incisions are closed with the help of surgical stitches.

What Is the Recovery Process Like?

Recovery time after a neck lift surgery varies from individual to individual according to factors like the extent of the procedure. Generally, patients can resume their daily activities within two weeks after the surgery. You can expect your neck to feel tighter for a few weeks. Some amount of swelling and bruising is average.

Visible bruising gradually fades after the first week, and the “tight” feeling in the treated region may be present for a couple of months. Dr. Freel will give you individual recovery and post-surgical care instructions, which you must follow diligently.

Arrange Your Appointment

To get started with your neck lift in Baton Rouge, take the first step – contact the office of Dr. Andrew Freel for a helpful consultation. Dr. Freel will be available to answer any questions regarding the procedure, including cost, preparation, and recovery.